The message appears to be that, You can't make this change, Or This modification is not allowed, because the selection is locked. A message is displayed in the bottom left corner of the word window. When you open a saved, or blank document of MS Word, and try to type it. In this video you can fix problems like, Microsoft word locked, Microsoft word does not allow you to type or do anything, cannot type in word, keyboard does not type in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Word has not stopped me from typing Word, Excel, and PowerPoint have become part of day-to-day life, for those using the Windows 10 operating system. Microsoft Office is the most successful, software that Microsoft has ever launched. How to fix You Can't Make This Change because The Selection Is Locked, Unlicensed, Activation, View Only using command prompt (cmd) How To Activate Latest Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 Using C2R Install V6.6 tool How to Activate Microsoft Office and Windows 10 for FREE without any Software

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